Invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)

Quick documentation to be cleaned up later

When this does not work:

sudo pacman -Syu


For Antergos:

sudo rm -r /etc/pacman.d/gnupg
sudo pacman-key --init
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux antergos
sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
sudo pacman -Syyu

For Manjaro:

sudo rm -r /etc/pacman.d/gnupg
sudo pacman-key --init
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro
sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
sudo pacman -Syyu

Harbour lights shimmering tonight

I had dinner on Sterns Warf tonight. The lights from the buoys and city were pretty on how they reflected off the harbour water. This animated gif was created with a Samsung S7. Pity that it had to be converted to a mp4 for Instagram or Facebook.

This blog post has a good discussion on how to convert animated gifs for posting on Instagram or Facebook

This is the original gif.

SB Harbour Lights at Night

Anacapa Island Race

Friday, I got a last-minute call at noon to see if I wanted to sail the Anacapa Island race aka Tri-Point Ocean Race. I was lucky to get on a fast boat with a good crew. Even though my job was to be rail meat, it was very cathartic after the week I had. We had fair wind for most of the race except for the round of the island. The lee of the Island was shifty and dead for the most part. It felt like it took just as much time to round the island as it did to make the channel crossing. All and all, it definitely was a good day.

/images/2017/anacapa.thumbnail.jpg /images/2017/anacapa2.thumbnail.jpg /images/2017/anacapa3.thumbnail.jpg

J/70 Boat Handling with Tim Healy

Three good videos for J/70 handling. Section 3 - Tack and Gybe is put first since it is basic sailing of the boat.

Section 3 - Tack and Gybe

Step by step video on how to tack and gybe the J/70

Section 1 - Spinnaker Set Up

Step by step video on how to set up the J/70 spinnaker

Section 2 - Spinnaker Take Down

Step by step video on how to take down the J/70 spinnaker

You Found Me

So you found me. This URL, I had purchased for my personal blog. Pretty empty for blogging for so many years. All I can say this is not bad. Especially when the current robot.txt file looks like:

User-Agent: *
Disallow: /

I will be updating sometime in the future. Please do not link to anything yet. I am in the process of revamping. I can say this if I spent as much time writing as revamping, what a site!

I am off to go sailing. Later.